Drip hose booms – width 9 to 30m
Drip hose booms have a fully galvanised structure. Standard or telescopic, they range from 9 to 30 metres working width. The vertical macerator(s) enable an even outlet distribution and foreign bodies are caught in the stone trap. In order to respect the ideal dose to be spread and prevent overlapping, we strongly advise part-width section cut-offs that can be customised for your own use.
Placing the hoses ends against the ground surface guarantees you better use of your nitrogen and prevents your crops from getting dirty. The small distance between each hose allows a very uniform volume to be spread on the entire width. Using a drip hose boom significantly reduces nitrogen loss through volatilisation. Use precision spreading implements to apply your organic fertilisers accurately on growing crops.
Opening flat disc injector – width 3 to 7m
The EL71 model is ideal for injecting slurry after harvest or on bare soil. It cuts vertically into the ground without any disturbance. The slurry access to the plant’s roots is made easier and the plant cover is protected. Crop contamination and nitrogen loss are significantly reduced. The fertiliser’s agronomic powers are maximised. The vertical macerator provided as standard guarantees an even outlet distribution. A pair of wheels control the depth injection and stabilise the traction power.
Trailing shoe – width 9 to 15m
Precision on grassland and hilly fields
The liquid organic fertiliser is injected as close as possible to the root in a thin strip. The grass is kept clean and its appetite is preserved. Using trailing shoe for slurry spreading means that the cattle can return to grass fields more quickly. The small space between each shoe associated with the vertical macerator(s) ensure very good outlet distribution. The high-tensile steel springs associated with the passive slope compensation of our chassis guarantees very good following of ground contours.
Tine incorporator – width 3 to 6m
Spread while stubble cultivating
The strength of this model is without doubt that it can work soil and spread slurry at the same time. This tine incorporator is ideal for deep soil preparation and it is used to restart ploughing and stubble braking. The soil is prepared to accommodate new seeding. This technique optimises the fertiliser’s efficiency, without any nitrogen loss via volatilisation or overflowing. The tines are supplied with liquid by the vertical macerator for an optimum transverse distribution.
We offer two types of tines:
Vibroflex, which are adapted to bare and cultivated soil
- Working depth: 5 to 10 cm
Square, which are adapted to heavy and clay soil
- Working depth: 10 to 15 cm