



Cooling Coil Upgrade

Cooling Coil Upgrade for Hatchers and Single Stage Setters

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Many of the features we build into our systems as standard are also available as upgrades to improve existing installed equipment. In other words, older machines can be updated to the latest standard for a fraction of the cost of a new machine.

Some of our upgrade options include:

EmTech offers a cooling coil upgrade for all Buckeye and ChickMaster setters and hatchers.

Many of the older hatchers and SS series setter models have an insufficient cooling capacity and can struggle with the greater embryonic heat output from today’s breeds.

The new EmTech cooling coil has a significantly greater cooling capacity than most systems on the market with parallel vertical columns as compared to only 12 vertical columns with the latest ChickMaster coil. Compared to the older Buckeye 150 hatcher, the new EmTech assembly has over three times the capacity.

Improved Temperature Control and Chick Quality

EmTech’s highly efficient cooling coils reduce the problem of chick fluff collecting on the coil, therefore, removing the need to clean the fluff from the coil to maintain cooling capacity. The new coil can also operate perfectly well with higher temperature cooling water.